Delivery in New Zealand
We will only ship to physical addresses, orders to Postal Boxes or Private Bag addresses will not be dispatched.
If you only have a PO Box we do understand. Just E-mail us and we can often give you a special exemption.
Customers place orders for friends and relatives, we can gift wrap your order and include a card with a message of your choice. Prior to sending your order we will email you to confirm the total cost including courier postage.
We ship either by courier or NZ Post at your discretion. Delivery times quoted are subject to availability.
Our courier service delivers next day to all non rural destinations Monday to Friday. Deliveries to rural addresses or over a weekend may take longer.
NZ Post deliveries should arrive within 3 working days to all non rural areas , a few days more may be required where the address is remote.
We will advise you if an order is to be delayed. Furniture and heavy/bulky items will incur additional freight charges. Charges will be advised before we charge on your credit card.
Free shipping is available for orders over $150 however this offer excludes furniture and heavy/bulky items.
Free shipping offer does not apply to wholesale/export customers.
Please check your delivery address carefully as we will not be responsible for delivery to an incorrect address. The customer shall be responsible for the cost to resend a parcel that is returned because of an incorrect address.
Click & Collect
1. Add item to cart and go to checkout. Select "Click & Collect" as your delivery option.
2. Once you've placed your order we'll send you a confirmation email.
3. We will either a text or email you when your order is ready for collection.
4. On collection, please bring with you Order confirmation
and a valid ID (Drivers license/ Passport)
Delivery overseas
We are happy to receive international orders. We will only ship to physical addresses, orders to Postal Boxes or Private Bag addresses will not be dispatched.
Overseas orders are less 15% GST tax - all prices on our website are inclusive of this tax. The GST amount is deducted when we invoice your order.
Shipping charges for orders outside of New Zealand will be quoted individually.
Please place your order as usual and you will be notified via email with the cost of postage.
Please ensure you give us a valid and frequently accessed email address. Your order will not be processed or dispatched until we receive a reply email from you confirming you accept the postage charges.
If you do not receive an email reply within 3 days, please ensure you have checked your junk mail folder and/or contact us to confirm your order status.
All orders are sent by Airmail (5-15 working days). Any additional taxes or duties that are incurred within the recipient's country are the responsibility of the buyer/recipient.
Customers place orders for friends and relatives, we can gift wrap your order and include a card with a message of your choice. Prior to sending your order we will email you to confirm the total cost including airmail postage.
Most orders can be delivered to Australia within 3-5 days and to the rest of the world within 2 weeks.
Please note: For custom declaration, we have no choice but write actual value on declaration card when we send it directly to your friends and relatives as a gift.
Please check your delivery address carefully as we will not be responsible for delivery to an incorrect address. The customer shall be responsible for the cost to resend a parcel that is returned because of an incorrect address.
All goods shipped will bear the required documentation including a description of the goods and their cost.
You are considered the importer of record and must ensure your order meets the customs and legal requirements of your country. Any duties or taxes levied by customs once the package reaches your country must be borne by you. Import duties and taxes are different for every country and we recommend you check with your local authority if you have concerns about this.
Urgent delivery service
When you place your order, please let us know when you need it by. We do our best to meet your request. For New Zealand orders, we will send your order overnight for North Island orders and within 2 days for South Island orders. In some instances for small parcels to the South Island we can also offer an overnight service. Our customer service staff will contact you and advise you of the method of shipping and the additional cost. For overseas orders, we will email you with a quote for international courier post and an estimated delivery time prior to despatching your order.
Returns and refunds
In the highly unlikely event that your item arrives damaged, or is lost, let us know. We will either replace it (if a replacement is available) or issue a refund, the choice is yours. Please contact us within one week of delivery. We will only accept an exchange due to a defective item.
Please note: We CAN NOT accept an exchange after more than one week of delivery.
We CAN NOT accept returns or exchanges of items once you have worn or used. Returns or exchanges for any other reasons CAN NOT be accepted. Goods may be returned for an exchange with a receipt within 30 days of purchase. Refunds are available for mail and internet customers only.
Goods must be in unused, unwashed condition in original packaging.
We ask that you choose carefully and check sizing before ordering.
Please do not break open packaging that is non-resealable if you wish for an exchange or refund. With the exception of faulty goods we cannot refund postage and packaging. We want you to be happy, please call us if you need advice. Prices, specifications, packaging and freight charges are subject to change without notice
We will inform you the total amount of your order including the shipping charge.
If you are agree with it then please make your payment.
If you are paying by credit card, please refer to it to check the amount charged to your credit card account. All orders will be dispatched upon payment.
The shipping charge may vary due to the postal circumstances.